Who we are


Ernst Zundel and Ingrid Rimland Zundel are first generation immigrants to the American Continent.  Both are of German background.  Both experienced World War II when they were very young – yet old enough to have been seared in their souls by the harsh and exacting experience.


Ernst, a high profile activist known globally for his defense of his father’s World War II generation, is presently held as a political hostage in his native Germany after having been kidnapped by post-9/11 factions of various governments hostile to his resolve for revealing historical truth.  His story is told elsewhere – this website will focus on his artistic accomplishments and ethnic interests.


Ingrid is an award-winning ethnic novelist with hundreds of publications and media appearances to her credit.  She is a consummate publicist with proven writing skills.  She designed the Soaring Eagles web page, focusing on the concept of a geographical as well as spiritual locale for an artistically powered outreach mission in the quiet hills of Tennessee.


Soaring Eagles as an artistic enclave is at a nascent stage.  A solid foundation has already been laid. The Zundels own a very attractive little gallery on a much-traveled Tennessee highway, a tasteful ethnic private library and an upscale guest house for friends and supporters.  Additionally, a small media center has recently been finished, containing a simple but functional movie studio and meeting/sleeping quarters  that will hold appr. 70 private guest and financial supporters.  Where they live, there is ample room for expansion.


At present, a project in the gestation stage is a motion picture in the making called THE EXPATS.  It is a new genre - contemporary political drama.  It deals with the impact of false and unfair atrocity propaganda aimed at the post-WWII generations of Germans.  A powerful screenplay exists.


At present, Soaring Eagles Studios is searching for a suitable producer and/or director of talent and experience.


On the back burner at the present time is another film-to-be already on the drawing board - ARMINIUS THE LIBERATOR.  Several years ago Ingrid secured world rights in English to a literary property of epic sweep and grandeur by Ernst A. Schomer.  It is the story of a Germanic prince of the Cheruscan tribe who lived 2000 years ago and drove the Romans out of what is now called Germany.  She has published a quality coffee table book in English on his life.  She also wrote a first draft of a screenplay.


“We’ve got to start somewhere,” says Ingrid.  “As one of my screenplay "characters says, ''there’s two of us.  Might there be three?'  We are many, all over the world.”


For a start, Ernst and Ingrid intend to produce THE EXPATS. a motion picture of moral substance and artistic finesse – and thus set a trend for a new ethnic-specific genre in the visual arts.


Next will be music, exhibits, and intterviews with special guests of renown and repute.  The Zündels declare the sky is not the limit.  They are looking for effective, action-oriented friends and supporters who understand the stark necessity of perseverance and devotion to the noble cause of ethnic evolution.   They call them Spartans of the Spirit.