Soaring Eagles Studios and Gallery

Ernst Zündel - 1939 - 2017 / R.I.P.

Mission Statement


Soaring Eagles Studios and Gallery is a small but ambitious Communications and Entertainment Company.  We see ourselves as an artistic outreach mission, focusing on strengthening ethnic awareness and pride for European-descent people all over the world.


Our primary goal is to create, produce, and market quality motion pictures and other forms of artistic expression which inform, entertain, and inspire.  We will strive to address the best interests of traditional European descendants – wherever they might live – a once proud and noble people, who have been maligned and misrepresented by a hostile “mainstream” media, increasingly destructive to the positive values and heroic ideals of Europe.


In addition to motion pictures, we will acquire, develop, produce, and market live and recorded music that is powerfully  appealing to our emotional needs and interests.


As time and resources permit, we will sponsor theme-relevant speakers, weekend seminars and other forms of culturally relevant artistic expressions, to include print publications, stage and video productions, and exhibits of exceptional European-derivative art.


Through these events, activities, and productions, we will address the ethnic concerns of a marginalized people and satisfy our craving for honor and beauty.  In doing so, we look forward to promoting fresh talent, supporting those artists who take pride in their work, hone their innate gifts and responsibly share it with others.


We will develop exciting and enriching stories, employ cost-effective production techniques, and utilize creative marketing campaigns to recapture the love, beauty, and honor of our folk.


We abhor smut.


Our movies, stories, songs, exhibits and events will be honest, heartfelt beacons of joy.  We will  promote truth, fairness, and freedom as we believe in it and wish to practice it.


We will strive to speak to the hearts and minds of our people.


World-wide, there are 200 million German-descendants alone.  Add to those the Swedes;  Brits;  Spaniards; Italians; Norwegians; Ukrainians;  Russians; the people of the Baltic states; and other descendants from European countries.  Millions and millions of them!


We need helpers who roll up their sleeves.  We need fund raisers on a prodigious scale so that we have the fuel to get where we intend to go.


We need to kick-start a global community spirit to announce that our future is serious business for us.


For that, we need to find each other and pool our strengths and resources.


We must declare a moratorium on yammering.  We are robust, tough,  and dynamic.  And we say that "... enough is enough!


Can you help?  Will you help?


Please contact us.  Become a Spartan of the Spirit.