Dissident Views of World War II:


** "Twilight Over England by William Joyce


Subtitle:  The Path to Democracy is the Road to Oblivion


Get to know one of England's most famous political dissidents in World War II, a radio star broadcasting national socialist principles into his homeland, for which he was hanged by the Allies.


** "Memoirs of a Confidant" by Otto Wagener


From the back cover:  "Once the Hitler Youth boys grow a little older, they will think back with pleasure on the nights they ardently worshipped the wreath of fires blazing all along the horizon, which puts them in touch with a higher being.  But these are simple childhood memories - beautiful, marvelous childhood memories, and more valuable than if they had spent the night in saloons and airless dives."     Adolf Hitler


** "Hitler: Madman or Genius?" by General Leon Degrelle (excerpted)


Subtitle:  How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched a Social Revolution.  Of General Degrelle, Hitler once said:  "If I had a son, I wold wish him to be like you."


These three titles, bundled:  $ 25.00